I use social science knowledge, tools and practices to lead teams that work on issues in online trust and safety, digital media, and the Internet in civic life.
I am currently Lead Data Scientist at the Digital Safety Research Institute.
Previously, I led work on metrics and evaluation for Twitter's Birdwatch project, which is now called ``Community Notes.''
Before joining Twitter, I was a postdoctoral fellow at The University of Chicago. I taught politics and society, and quantitative research methods. I have also held fellowships at Pew Research Center Data Labs and The Sunlight Foundation.
I hold a PhD in sociology from The University of Chicago, with concentrations in social statistics and democratic politics. Before my academic turn, I was a reporter, writer, and editor. My last position in media was as managing editor of techPresident, a news site covering technology and politics. (It's not really around anymore.)
You can email me at nick at nclarkjudd.com.
Selected works
Academic publications
Reporting and essays
A Recent History of Uber: Lobbying, Lawsuits, and a 'Scuffle'. Vice.com. July 18, 2014.
Michael Scherer, Please Remember We've Argued Over NSA Spying Since Before Millennials Were a Thing. TechPresident. June 13, 2013.
Ender's Game: The Problem With "The End of History" In Technology Debates. TechPresident. April 29, 2013.
The Guns and Gun Data Debate, Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying And Love the End of Privacy. TechPresident. Jan. 11, 2013.
Meet the newest tech start-up: the Obama campaign. Yahoo News. April 6, 2012.
The fast-paced frenzy of a low-tech Supreme Court. Yahoo News. June 27, 2012.
How Free Software Activists are Hacking Occupy's Source Code. TechPresident. Sept. 17, 2012.
#OWS: Tech-Savvy Occupiers Hope to Open-Source a Movement. TechPresident. Nov. 21, 2011.
Local candidates add Internet to campaign arsenal. The Riverdale Press. Aug. 21, 2008.